Daily Dish

Ripening and Storing Bananas

Bananas are a popular and nutritious fruit, but they can ripen quickly. Here’s a tip for ripening and storing bananas to ensure they stay fresh and delicious:


  • Unripe bananas
  • A brown paper bag
  • Optional: An apple or a ripe tomato



  1. Start with Unripe Bananas: When you buy bananas, opt for those that are still slightly green or yellow with no brown spots. These are not fully ripe yet.
  2. Use a Brown Paper Bag: Place the unripe bananas in a brown paper bag. The bag helps to trap the ethylene gas produced by the bananas, which accelerates the ripening process.
  3. Add an Apple or Tomato (Optional): To speed up the ripening process even further, you can add a ripe apple or a ripe tomato to the bag. These fruits also release ethylene gas, which can help ripen the bananas within a day or two.
  4. Check Regularly: Check the bananas daily to monitor their ripening progress. Once they reach your desired level of ripeness (when they are yellow with a few brown spots), remove them from the bag.
  5. Store Properly: Once ripe, store your bananas at room temperature. If you want to slow down the ripening process, you can separate the bananas from the bunch and store them individually. This can help extend their freshness.
  6. Refrigerate if Needed: If your bananas ripen faster than you can eat them, you can refrigerate them. The skins may turn brown in the refrigerator, but the fruit inside will stay fresh for a longer time. This is especially useful if you have overripe bananas that you want to use for baking.


By following these steps, you can have perfectly ripe bananas when you want them and avoid wasting any overripe fruit. Plus, you can use overripe bananas in recipes like banana bread or smoothies, giving them a new delicious purpose.

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